mercredi 17 février 2010

Magna Grecia Boutique Hotel: is it a 2010 website?

The website is not modern enough. Here are the main results:

- A good menu with a lot of information: Hotel, Location, Facilities, Accommodation, Contact, Reservations
BUT no information about the rates !!!

- Clear structure, easy to navigate and the user finds directly the information he needs.

- No recent guestbook comments / Recent photos

- It's designed from a template, no great personalisation of the website

- No links to Social Media / But 360° panoramic photos

- No division between types of travelers (i.e. leisure, business)

- Incentive for user to supply e-mail

- Ranked first on Google "hotel boutique athens greece"

- Reviews can be found on the guestbook

- No personal communication with guest

Work done with Thomas Pfeiffer

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