The article “Travellers in favour of body scanners”, published in January 15th 2010 on is talking about body scanners that many authorities are planning to install in airports and train stations in the near future.
This will mean that security guards will no longer check you physically, tell you to take off your shoes, belt or other things that you wear and that are looking suspicious to them.
Not surprising then that 2/3 of surveyed passengers liked the idea as it speeds up security checks, but there is still another third against it for health and privacy reasons.
Even if it has been proven that radiation is harmless and privacy is maintained, why is it in that case that so many travellers are against that technology? Probably a fear that their intimacy is violated!
The question is not whether this technology will be used in the future, it is when. The number of passengers at airports and train stations continues to grow, implying that security checks must be accelerated.
If some do not trust the technology or do not want it, traditional manual check will still be available.
I totally agree with this new technology and its application! INdeed, it is no longer possible to wait so much time for security checks. Moreover, privacy was already violated when they were asking a woman to put out everything she is carrying in her purse!! So it will mostly have advantages.
RépondreSupprimerI understand that people show some reserve about this novelty, however, I agree it will speed up the security process. Also, I think it is a safer way of controlling passengers, as security handled by some people in airports is somehow not entirely efficient!
RépondreSupprimerAnd I am sure that among the people complaining about their privacy, there are some who do not mind displaying their entire life on Facebook and do not complain about it.
i understand all people that saying tehcnology is good but here we are speaking of personal attibution that is very important.
RépondreSupprimerYou have people that are not on facebook because they have chosen and or they dont know what it is and how it is made off, but entering in a scanner in a public airport or train station. Here they dont choose it and i disagree for the privacy of the body.But if its the law so what else, security is it much important than privacy... yes maybe ... the privacy of a person is less important than the life of 350 !